1. Have you ever tried to climb a tree and failed? Well, yes. A carved tree. Two friends dared me to climb up to the top. I did, but I couldn't get down. I got down after more than an hour, screaming and crying, when they had left. And, a stranger had to help me down. I am NEVER talking to them EVER again. :(
2.Do you have any pets? If you do then what are there names? Well, I used to, but sadly one of them passed away recently. I don't wanna talk about it...
3. If you could be anyone,I mean ANYONE, (Even a Unicorn) Who would you be? Rapunzel. No question.
4. Are you a person who likes to stay in your house all day or like to run wild in tropical rainforests and swing in the trees like monkeys..? Holy macaroni that's a toghie. I would say monkey........ most of the time.
5. What is your favourite blog? (apart from mine)... Ummm... i would have to say minty perfections.
6. What do you like to read? Normally fantasy books, but adult novels are becoming a peculiar interest of mine.
That's all for now. Thank you Moonbaby!
P.S Happy new year!
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