Sunday, 29 January 2017

Trying Beauty Tips!

HI guys! Today me and Lulu are going to go on random websites and try to see if they REALLY work! Let's get on with the experiment.


Using the broad end of the asymmetrical Colossal Spider Effect™ mascara brush, apply from root to tip for instant volume and length. Then use the narrow end of the spiked brush to group and sculpt the tips of your lashes. Boom - bold eyes that pop.

PRO TIP: Coat lashes with as many layers as you like for even bolder volume.



Classic purple-bronze eye for daytime

Step 1 - Sweep an eye shadow base over your entire eyelid. This will make the colour more prominent and the eye shadow last longer.

Step 2 - Mix a light gold and a copper shadow together and lightly dust over your entire lid. Blend.

Tip: It’s best not to cover your entire eyelid with a darker shade – use the crease of your eyelid as a guide.

Step 3 - Cover the lower half of your eyelid with a dark brown shade up to the crease line, working outwards. Blend.

Step 4 - Apply a purple shadow to your eyelid as close to the lash line as possible, blending outwards along your browbone contour.

Step 5 - Line your upper lash line with a black felt-tip liquid liner, as close to your lashes as possible, to add definition.

Step 6 - Apply two or three coats of lengthening black mascara to your top lashes and one coat to your bottom lashes as a finishing touch.

Tip: Brown eyes look great with almost any eye shadow colour, but you can make them pop by pairing a softer shade (such as purple) with a darker shade along the crease of the eye, followed by a dark liquid liner.


I am to tired to continue! Maybe I will do another one soon! BYE!!

DB xxx

P.S We went to sleep at 2:00!

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Get To Know You

Hi guys its DB! And today my bff has came over for a sleepover! YAY! So we decided to do a tag, called: Get To Know You! Let 's start!


  • You have to do this with two people.
  • Tag 3 or more people to do this.
  • Ask the guest what they like about your blog.

1. New York or Japan?

Oh it's so hard! New York!

2.Long hair or short hair?

I currently have short hair but if I could keep it short then I would!

3.Dog or cat?

Cat by far!

4.Pinterest or Instagram?


5.Lipstick or eyeshadow?

Eyeshadow because I look way better than in lipstick

6.Pretty Little Liars or DanceMom's?

Dance mom's! But I still LOVE PLL! ❤

7.Ballet or pop?

Pop, because when I was little I always loved ballet but then I started to get more into pop

8.Unicorns or fairies?

UNICORNS! Any day!🦄

9.Wagamama or Nando's?

Probably Wagamama's because I've eaten there more than I have In Nando's.

10.No feet or no hands?

No feet,because you can get fake feet but not fake hands!

Thank you so much Lulu for doing this!

   Who I tag:


Lulu, what do you think of my blog?

I think you're blog is FANTASTIC and it  contains lots of amazing post's! Well done DB!
    That's all for now! Bye guys! Enjoy your weekend!

                                         DB 😄


Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Some Photo's

Here are some photo's! ENJOY!

       I think that this is the best photo I've ever taken of a flower! Do you agree?

Lots of love 😍

DB x

Top 10 Books To Read In 2017

Hello people of the internet! I have had an amazing idea to =make a blog post about The Top 10 Books To Read In 2017! (As it says) Anyway, I can't wait ANY longer so lets get STARTED!!

10.Time Traveling With A Hamster: This might not be your perfect book , but for me it is actually hilarious! I mean what's not to like when your time traveling with a hamster?!?

9.The Book Thief: I think this book has an amazing story line and is beautifully written. It's also mysterious in a fantastic way! In fact here's a picture of  the cover:

Am I right?

8.Wonder: This book made me cry an ocean. Literally. It just wrenches on your heartstrings! It's frankly an amazing story and I adore it!

7.The fault in  our stars: This book always makes me cry (Yes I cry over a lot of books...)It's just so magic and inspirational. I absolutely love it!

6.Eleaner and park: This book is about young adults taking there first steps into the adult world. There's so much I can relate to in this book!

5.Fangirl: This is just FANTASTIC!!! I was up all night reading page after page! It's so good! I would read it a 100 times if I could!

4.The Butterfly garden: Magic. Magic. Magic.


3.Miss Peregrine's Home for peculiar children: This book makes me think a lot about being different. I mean, I am a normal girl living in a normal life and goes to a normal school. But sometimes this book makes you feel like a special, amazing person. We all are. We just have to see it inside of us...

2.The girl on the train: Wowsers... This book is scary but REALLY fascinating! I loved reading this. Who new thrillers was my thing?

1. *DRUMROLL* Everything Everything: OMG! THIS-BOOK-IS-THE-BEST-POSSIBL-BOOK-IN-ALL-OF-BOOKTOPIA!!!!!! I LOVE IT TO BITS! Tha kyou Nicola Yoon for making this book so people like me could read it!! 💖

That's all for now! BYE!

DB ;)

Look at my cat SHE'S SO CUTE!

Tuesday, 17 January 2017


Lately i have been searching online on blogs and have had lots of interesting inspiration! Okay so basically -before I get started- I just want to say that this post will be SUPER short because I have to do a bit of school work.Anyways, I was thinking of doing some photography on my blog.. You know the odd post here and there!

Well I just want to check if you would like me to do that!
If you do then tell me in the comments! Thankyou!

DB 💖

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Popping In

Hi people of planet Earth! I have been very exited  to publish this post! Why? You might be asking.. Well.... I did a MAHOOSIVE shopping spree with my mum! We even went in to Victoria's secret pink and had a laugh about it... 😉 Anyway, That's not the point! Basically -With my Xmas money- I bought a whole frikkin' new wardrobe... Yes I did just say that. I got tights', bomber jackets, leggings,skinny jeans, EOS -Blackberry nectar flavour!-  And polo neck jumper and I got a cute jumper with flowers! That's about it! Sorry this post is short! I got a lot to do. :P

Love ya people!

DB ♡

Friday, 13 January 2017

Back In Business

HI there, as you all know I had a long break. And by long I mean LONGGG. Well, basically I had the LONGGG break so I could spend some time with my family and friends! But now I'm back in business!! YAY! 😊  Anyway, I finally DON'T have a jam-packed schedule and I have a bit more time to actually but in all the effort! I hopefully finally have blog post ideas brimming like a hot cauldron in my crazy mind. Now I got my new phone, I have Instagram and Pinterest



I hope you enjoy this post and all the ones to follow!


DB 💗