Saturday, 28 January 2017

Get To Know You

Hi guys its DB! And today my bff has came over for a sleepover! YAY! So we decided to do a tag, called: Get To Know You! Let 's start!


  • You have to do this with two people.
  • Tag 3 or more people to do this.
  • Ask the guest what they like about your blog.

1. New York or Japan?

Oh it's so hard! New York!

2.Long hair or short hair?

I currently have short hair but if I could keep it short then I would!

3.Dog or cat?

Cat by far!

4.Pinterest or Instagram?


5.Lipstick or eyeshadow?

Eyeshadow because I look way better than in lipstick

6.Pretty Little Liars or DanceMom's?

Dance mom's! But I still LOVE PLL! ❤

7.Ballet or pop?

Pop, because when I was little I always loved ballet but then I started to get more into pop

8.Unicorns or fairies?

UNICORNS! Any day!🦄

9.Wagamama or Nando's?

Probably Wagamama's because I've eaten there more than I have In Nando's.

10.No feet or no hands?

No feet,because you can get fake feet but not fake hands!

Thank you so much Lulu for doing this!

   Who I tag:


Lulu, what do you think of my blog?

I think you're blog is FANTASTIC and it  contains lots of amazing post's! Well done DB!
    That's all for now! Bye guys! Enjoy your weekend!

                                         DB 😄



  1. Thx for tagging me! The new post is up just now :)

    - Winter
